The She Boss Life Blog

4 Strategies to Rewrite Your Future
Kara Troester Kara Troester

4 Strategies to Rewrite Your Future

Stop looking to your past for the answers, history doesn’t have to repeat itself. Learn 4 easy strategies to take control of your time to define your future.

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10 Sneaky Time Management Mistakes
Kara Troester Kara Troester

10 Sneaky Time Management Mistakes

Time to stop sabotaging your productivity. Learn how to avoid these 10 sneaky time management mistakes for a more efficient, peaceful, and stress-free week.

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The #1 Best Productivity Hack
Kara Troester Kara Troester

The #1 Best Productivity Hack

Learn 10 lazy productivity hacks that will make you more efficient and more effective so you can get the most out of life. Work smarter...not harder.

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Hemingway Bridge: 4 Ways to Increase Your Productivity
Kara Troester Kara Troester

Hemingway Bridge: 4 Ways to Increase Your Productivity

Context-switching may be a necessary evil of our corporate lives…but there is a way to maintain your momentum and boost productivity even as you’re pulled in a million different directions.

Say hello to the Hemingway Bridge.

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