6 ChatGPT Prompts to Improve Your Productivity at Work

Are you trying to be more productive at work?

You may be building those time management muscles and itching to get out the door by 5 PM. But it still feels like there’s too much on your plate. You’re practicing many productivity hacks but still feel like you’re one step behind.

If you’re not quite ready to start generously populating your not-to-do list just yet, it might be time to tap in some support.


If you haven’t quite figured out how to tap into this brave new world of AI, you may feel like you’re showing up late to the party. Don’t worry, I’m here to guide the way.

Welcome to ChatGPT 101: Your quick start guide to leveraging ChatGPT to improve your efficiency, increase productivity, and crank through your daily to-do list in no time.

Getting Started with ChatGPT

First and foremost, if you’re brand spanking new to the world of ChatGPT…welcome! 

ChatGPT is like having a conversation with a super smart chatbot. You can use it to answer questions and assist you with tasks like composing emails, creating content, and even writing code.

To start using it today, go to https://chat.openai.com/ to set up a free account. As easy as that! 

Alright, let’s start checking off that to-do list. 

ChatGPT Productivity Tip #1: Project Planning

Use ChatGPT to break down larger projects at work into smaller, more manageable steps. You can then use these steps to create a clear, step-by-step plan to tackle whatever is on your to-do list.

  • ChatGPT Prompt: "I need to [description of the project]. Can you help me break this down into smaller steps?"

  • Example: "I need to create a project estimate and PowerPoint presentation for a client proposal.  Can you help me break this down into smaller steps?"

Using the response, you’ll know exactly where to get started on any project and can figure out how to get it done within the hours you’re willing to give it. Don’t forget to revise the output from ChatGPT to ensure it's relevant to your specific project. Then start at the top and get to work. 

(Bonus tip: Schedule time on your calendar to work through each of the tasks from the breakdown to stay on track with any deadline.)

ChatGPT Productivity Tip #2: Brainstorm New Ideas

Use ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas for upcoming projects. This will reduce the amount of time you spend staring at a blank screen, lost on where to start. Instead, you can fast forward and get to work. 

  • ChatGPT Prompt: “Brainstorm ideas for [project description].”

  • Example: "Brainstorm ideas for an upcoming marketing campaign promoting a New Year’s sale for a clothing company."

Review the response and pull out the pieces that resonate with you to continue brainstorming on your own. You can ask ChatGPT to elaborate on any of the ideas you find the most intriguing as you continue to refine.

ChatGPT Productivity Tip #3: Compare Products and Services

Use ChatGPT to compare products or services you’re considering using or even to evaluate competitors to your business’s products and services. 

  • ChatGPT Prompt: “Give me the pros and cons for [product #1] compared to [product #2] for [description of service needs]. Based on this list, which would you recommend?”

  • Example: "Give me the pros and cons for Salesforce compared to HubSpot for managing my company’s leads. Based on this list, which would you recommend?”

The response can help highlight the most important features to you or your company. This will help you make an informed decision or better target your search without spending hours scouring the internet.

ChatGPT Productivity Tip #4: Prepare for a Meeting

Use ChatGPT to automate your meeting prep by gathering relevant information, key points, and potential discussion topics.

  • ChatGPT Prompt: “I have a meeting with [audience] to discuss [topic]. Help me prepare with potential topics and relevant information.”

  • Example: "I have a meeting with a client to discuss a project to redesign their website. Help me prepare with potential topics and relevant information.”

Use the response to form the agenda for the meeting and direct your preparation efforts. Continue down the ChatGPT rabbit hole to elaborate on specific topics you want to dive into in more depth. You’ll quickly feel prepared for anything.  

ChatGPT Productivity Tip #5: Write a Rough Draft

Use ChatGPT to write a rough draft of whatever you need to work on (emails, documentation, presentations…etc.)

  • ChatGPT Prompt: “Write a [length] [format] to [audience] about [topic]. Include [specific points].”

  • Example: "Write a 4-paragraph email to my CEO about why my company should hold an employee retreat this year. Include the benefits to employee mental health and how this could support overall business goals.”

The response will get those brain juices flowing. This is not going to be your final draft by any means. But with a rough draft already out of the way, you can focus your time on editing and refining the content into your own voice.

ChatGPT Productivity Tip #6: Prioritize

Use ChatGPT to help you prioritize your to-do list so you can feel confident on where to allocate your time.

  • ChatGPT Prompt: “Based on my to-do list, what tasks should I prioritize today? [To-do list with details on urgency or deadlines.]”

  • Example: "Based on my to-do list, what tasks should I prioritize today?

    • Grocery shopping

    • Prep for client meeting at 2 PM

    • Review proposal due in 2 days

    • Draft PowerPoint for company meeting next week

    • Schedule massage

    • Track down documents the client requested”

So, this one’s just for a little fun to help get you out of your own head. My recommendation for prioritizing your to-do list is still to use your intuition and best judgment. You have the knowledge and experience to know which tasks have a deadline you can’t miss and which will have a little more wiggle room.

But for those of you hoping for a more rigidly defined system, this tip is for you! 

Bonus ChatGPT Tips

The possibilities are endless. But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

As you continue exploring how to leverage ChatGPT to improve your productivity, consider these tips:

  1. The more details you can give, the better the responses will be. Elaborate and give additional context. 

  2. Try different prompt variations until you get a response you find the most helpful. 

  3. The above prompts are meant to help speed you up by removing some of the mental roadblocks stopping you from making progress. Keep experimenting until you find your go-to ChatGPT use cases.

  4. Most importantly, have fun! 

Want more productivity tips and tricks for a stress-free 9-5? Follow me on Instagram! 

About Me


Hi, I’m Kara. I’m a former workaholic turned time-management expert. I help women stressed out in their 9-5 get more done, in less time, so they can get back in the driver’s seat and start living a life they love.

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