The 7 Lists I Swear by to Manage My Life

I love making lists.

If you were to open my phone on any given day, you would find my Notes app full of them. (Maybe a little too full…but that’s a topic for a different day.)

A list is a powerful tool.

I love using lists to: 

  • Stay focused

  • Stay organized

  • Remember the details

  • Be more efficient

  • Save time

The simple act of writing things down can remove the overwhelm from the whirlwind of tasks, responsibilities, and commitments you face.

Lists can help you feel more in control of all the moving pieces around you and help propel you towards even your wildest goals.

So, without further ado, here are the 7 essential lists I swear by to manage my life.

List #1: The Master To-Do List

I literally don’t know how I would function without my Master To-Do List

It would definitely be a chaotic life, unsure of where to focus, hoping I was remembering all the things I’d committed to, and likely feeling pretty exhausted along the way.

A Master To-Do List is your single reference point for everything you need and want to get done. Anytime a task or project comes your way, whether it comes from an email, text, passing conversation, or just a random thought, it should move to your Master To-Do List.

When you have everything in a single location, you’ll finally be able to prioritize because you’ll know exactly what you’re saying ‘no’ to whenever you pick up a new task or project to tackle. You won’t be constantly worried you’re forgetting something. And you’ll stop wasting time filling your days with busy work or jumping from task to task based on what happens to have your attention in the moment.

List #2: The Someday/Maybe List

We all fantasize about “someday”. 

Someday the to-do list will be empty. We will have accomplished all our goals and we can finally rest, pick up that hobby, or tackle that big project just because we want to.

But, not today.

A Someday/Maybe List can help keep that “someday” vision alive. 

This list is used to keep track of all those projects, interests, or goals that have your attention, but you aren’t ready to take action on them just yet. While there is value in these pursuits, you don’t want them to be a distraction as you constantly consider or re-consider if they’re worth your time.

So, they deserve their own location. 

Anytime a to-do lingers a little too long on your Master To-Do List without any action, either delete it completely or kick it to the Someday/Maybe List. You can then pull from your Someday/Maybe List when you feel a hit of inspiration or when you’re ready to take some intentional steps to make time for a little “someday” today.

List #3: The To Read/Watch/Visit…etc. List

We’ve all received a great recommendation for a book, a restaurant, or a vacation destination you’d love to try out. 

But, somehow, when the time comes to pick a dinner spot, check out a book from the library, or plan your next trip, your mind goes blank. You rely on random searches across the internet or fall back to your old stand-bys, convinced you’re missing out on something great, but not quite sure what it is.

So keep To Try Lists of all these recommendations so you can spend less time searching or stuck in a boring routine, and more time experiencing all the amazing finds out there.

My To Try Lists include:

  1. Books

  2. TV Shows or Movies

  3. Restaurants

  4. Places to Visit

  5. Date Night Ideas

With these lists full and ready to go, you never have to worry about running out of ideas!

List #4: The Reusable Packing List

I love a good trip or vacation. 

It’s a break from routine to relax, explore, or recharge can be a huge productivity boost as well as a good opportunity to evaluate and make changes in your life.

But I dread packing. It feels overwhelming knowing that I’ll have to spend so much time racking my brain trying to think of everything I might need at my disposal when away from home. And, I’m always convinced I’m definitely going to forget something…

The fix? Create a Reusable Packing List! 

This goes beyond just creating a one-off packing list (which, please tell me you’re already doing so I don’t break out in a cold sweat of anxiety…maybe let this be your sign to at least start there.) Every trip has a standard set of items you need to bring along: socks, PJs, chargers, vitamins, face wash…etc. Make a list of all these items. 

Then, whenever you have a new trip on the books, your packing list will be 80% done! From there, you can just focus on the trip-specific additions so you can get those bags packed and out the door in no time, minus the packing anxiety.

List #5: The Reusable Grocery List

Grocery shopping is one of those unwelcome to-do list chores that never seems to go away. 

You get it done one week and low and behold, there it is, staring you back in the face just a few days later. (And hopefully, you didn’t forget something the first time around requiring an extra, unplanned trip.)

So let’s keep this recurring annoyance easy. 

Similar to a Reusable Packing List, you probably have a standard set of items you get from the grocery store each trip. So, create a Reusable Grocery List and keep it handy. (My preference here is a Note directly on my phone.)

Once again, you’ll be 80% done with your grocery list for any given shopping trip and can easily add new additions as they pop into your head or as you finish off the last spoonful of ice cream in the freezer. No worry about forgetting something.

Now, if you want to go into expert mode and you still go inside a grocery store (vs. the time-saving hack of online orders), organize your grocery list by aisle in the store. You’ll zip through like a winning contestant on Super Market Sweep and can be done with the chore in no time!

List #6: The Gift Ideas List

I love giving gifts. 

But it can be stressful to find the perfect gift when birthdays and holidays creep up. You want the gift to be thoughtful and not another piece of junk that makes it to the Goodwill box during the recipient's next spring cleaning.

Never be at a loss of what to get someone again. Create a Gift Ideas List! 

When casual conversations happen throughout the year, pay attention when loved ones mention something they might like to have or do, then add it to your Gift Ideas List. When the next birthday or holiday or just because opportunity comes up, you’ll have a curated and thoughtful list of gift ideas to pull from. 

List #7: The Accomplishments List

This is a new list in my life but I’m excited to start reaping its benefits.

Especially as a woman, it can be challenging to brag about yourself or see the greatness you deliver to the world. It’s much easier to point out your flaws or missed goals before your brain fills up with all the amazing things you’ve done.

Time for a list.

Create an Accomplishments List and make a habit of writing down your wins. This should include the big things like landing your dream job or running your first marathon. It should also include professional wins like successfully implementing and rolling out a new process to make your team more efficient. And it should definitely include the small stuff like speaking up in the meeting even though you were scared.

They are all worthy accomplishments.

Keeping this list will not only help support conversations for raises and make resume writing a breeze, but it can really boost your confidence. Imagine being able to pull up this list during a moment of self-doubt or imposter syndrome to remind yourself that you’re actually pretty amazing and have accomplished a lot. You’ll quickly become your biggest cheerleader.

Why it Matters

There you have it, the 7 lists you need to manage your life.

With these lists, you’ll feel less overwhelmed, more in control, and more intentional with where your time goes. Your best life is just around the corner. Start living it today!

Happy list-making, my friends!

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About Me

Kara Photo

Hi, I’m Kara. I’m a former workaholic turned time-management expert. I help women stressed out in their 9-5 get more done, in less time, so they can get back in the driver’s seat and start living a life they love.

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