Surviving the Productivity Trap: Dos and Don’ts for High Achievers

Are you addicted to being productive?

If you’re committed to achieving big goals and are finally starting to make some real traction toward them…the answer might just be yes.

A critical element of accomplishing your goals is a good system for time management. When you start to get pieces of that system in place, it can be thrilling to see how much you’re getting done.

You start to understand time is your most valuable asset. And when you leverage your time well, you can achieve anything.

What an amazing belief!

But…is it a trap?

Viewing every second as valuable could actually leave you addicted to constantly moving, filling every gap, and running towards that rush of “busy” in the name of being productive.

If you’re busy, that means you’re making progress…right?

Maybe not.

Embracing the power of time management in your life means finding a balance and staying in sync with your wants and needs.

You need to know when it’s time to muster up a little motivation to make something happen vs. when you need to allow yourself to rest and refuel for the next big thing.

You need to know when it’s time to embrace a season of life with a little extra hustle to take you to bigger and better vs. when it’s just going to burn you out.

Don’t let the rush of productivity blind your intuition and distract you from your bigger picture.

Today, I’m here to free you from your perfectionist fantasies and to help you to stop using “good time management” against yourself.

Unease when you have nothing to do

Everything’s done! But…now what?

If you’re practicing good time management, you probably surprise yourself with how quickly and efficiently you can work.

You’re often ahead of schedule and everything appears to be…done.

But when this happens, does it leave you with a sense of unease? Are you certain you’re missing something and grasping to find the next action to just keep going?

If you feel this unease coming on:

DON’T: Search for work just to fill your time

You may be tempted to ask for more work immediately, either from yourself, coworkers, or your manager.


Taking on extra unplanned work may leave you feeling over-extended in the following days when you’re back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Remember, you’ve already aligned on your goals and your schedule for the day, so if you finish early, there’s nothing else you need to push yourself to do. You honored your commitment to yourself. Congratulations!

Avoid turning this successful day into one filled with burnout and lackluster output.

DO: Take a pause

Pause and embrace this moment of free time.

You’ve probably spent a lot of energy fantasizing about a time when there would be nothing to do.

It’s here.

You did it.

Don’t let it go to waste.

Sit. Go for a walk. Call a friend.

These unplanned moments of space and breath are what you wished for. They are the fuel for your next big idea or the recovery you need to show up at your highest capacity when it’s time to work again.

The never-ending to-do list

You want to get to the end of your to-do list, but there’s always more to be done!


But what a beautiful thing!

What if your to-do list was never actually meant to be empty?

A to-do list is a living, breathing thing. It gets updated constantly as you complete one task, get new information, circumstances change, or you get inspired to try something new.

Sometimes the things on your to-do list even become irrelevant. So thank goodness you didn’t waste time on them in the first place!

What a boring life if you weren’t growing and expanding and seeking to improve what’s around you and regularly coming up with more to-dos.

If you find yourself still longing for that empty list:

DON’T: Demand productivity from yourself until it’s “all done”

Going into hyperdrive isn’t the answer.

Putting off rest or not allowing yourself time for activities you genuinely enjoy won’t get you to the end of your to-dos.

It’s an impossible goal.

Striving for more productivity is likely to leave you burnt out, dissatisfied, and missing the opportunity to be proud of yourself for what you’ve already accomplished.

DO: Focus on your top priorities

Allow the to-do list to continue to grow, but keep your focus on the tasks that matter the most to you.

Schedule your time to make progress toward your top priority to-dos. The ones you know will keep you on track with your goals.

Then keep moving forward at a sustainable pace.

This incremental progress will fuel the constant refinement of your to-do list as you grow and evolve and choose where your efforts should go next.

Focus + Day Dreaming = Productivity

Focus can be addicting.

When you give yourself the time and an environment to fall into a state of flow, everything seems easier.

You’re satisfied. You’re accomplished. You’re getting shit done.

But, we can’t constantly be focused.

Even if the world around us would allow for it (good-bye emails and texts and barking dogs and unplanned emergencies and the common cold…etc.) there would eventually be a point of diminished returns.

Instead, allowing yourself some unfocused daydreaming can help create a balance.

Daydreaming can give you the space and insight to focus beyond what is right in front of you.

True productivity is a combination of focus and a regular dose of daydreaming.

If you want to find a balanced productivity that works for you:

DON’T: Create a completely full schedule

Keeping a tight schedule full of active tasks with no room for flexibility will set you up for burnout.

You’ll limit your capacity for bigger-picture thinking.

And you’ll probably fall short of accomplishing the things that really matter to you.

Your brain needs a break to truly maximize productivity.

DO: Schedule time for nothingness

Continue to schedule the tasks you want to and plan to get done. But include a little nothing on that schedule.

Embrace your inner 7-year-old. Sitting in class, staring out the window at the clouds floating by, unable to concentrate on the math lesson on the chalkboard.

Let your mind wander with no real goal.

Reap the benefits of daydreaming: Clear up space in your brain, find inspiration, solve problems, and get clarity.

A little daydreaming will help you maximize your next moments of focus.

If you’re pursuing a better life by finding your passion, reducing the hours you spend at work, spending more time with loved ones, starting a business, or whatever other amazing dreams you have, you may already understand how important time management can be.

I truly believe with a well-managed schedule and an understanding of how to most effectively use your time, you can accomplish anything.

And I hope you believe this for yourself as well.

But don’t fall into the trap.

Don’t let a focus on time management lead you to believe productivity must reign supreme.

Pause. Sip your coffee. Take that walk. Embrace the nothing.

Then see how amazing the life you create for yourself can be.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed? Do you feel like there are always important tasks left undone, hanging over your head? It's time to take control of your productivity and prove to yourself you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. 

Check out the 7 Days: Consider it Done! guide to transform the way you approach your to-do list. 

Say goodbye to procrastination and unfulfilled goals and hello to a sense of control and reignited passion for life. Consider it done!


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