Time Management Struggles? Let's Blame Our Personality Types

Whether you’re juggling work projects, kids (or fur babies), hobbies, relationships, or all of the above,  it seems like there are never enough hours in the day.

You may be trying, succeeding, and failing at different techniques and systems to figure out how to manage your time to get more done, feel less overwhelmed, and just enjoy life a little bit more. 

But did you know, the way you can find time management success is directly influenced by your personality type? 

That’s right!

According to author Gretchen Rubin, people fit into Four Tendencies: Upholders, Obligers, Questioners, and Rebels. These personality types can determine how we approach our schedules. Which means a process or habit or “hack” that works for one type, doesn’t work for all. 

If you don’t understand the strengths and challenges of your personality type, you may be setting yourself up for unnecessary struggles when trying to feel in control of your time.

So let’s dive in and explore how the Upholder, Obliger, Questioner, and Rebel handle the eternal struggle of managing our time.

The Upholder

If you’re an Upholder, you thrive on structure and routine. 

You are both internally motivated and externally motivated. So whether you want to get it done for you or someone else wants it done, you’re in!

You love your to-do list and do a little happy dance each time you cross something off it.

You value fulfilling your commitments above all else and you’re likely the one who can always be counted on to follow through. And you may even feel personally offended when someone drops the ball.

When it comes to time management, Upholders are all about efficiency and productivity. You love an organized schedule to knock out tasks left and right and don’t waste time on anything that isn’t deemed “necessary”.

Upholders are my people. (Is anyone here surprised by that? Yeah… I didn’t think so.)

As an Upholder, we’re naturally drawn to setting and achieving goals, have a strong sense of discipline and self-control, and thrive under rules and structures. Yes, please!

But, sometimes being an Upholder means we take on too much and forget to make time for self-care. We can wear ourselves out trying to accomplish everything on our list and can have a hard time accepting anything less than perfection. 

The Upholder Time Management Tips:

If you are a fellow Upholder, these tips are for you:

  • Remember to give yourself a break to recharge your batteries.

  • Lean into your desire for structure and efficiency by leveraging time-blocking to create a schedule that will move you closer to your goals (just don’t forget to leave a little breathing room and fun in that schedule.) 

  • You’ll never be able to get everything done. So be sure you are regularly evaluating your priorities to focus on the things that matter the most to you. 

  • Learn to say no to avoid overextending yourself. This likely includes saying no to yourself, as well as others.

The Obliger

If you’re an Obliger, you’re all about meeting expectations. 

You care strongly about the people in your life and don’t want to let them down.

You’re the one who always volunteers to help out, even if you’re already stretched thin. 

You can be a bit of a people-pleaser, but it all comes from a good place as you want to be supportive and make sure everyone is taken care of.

When it comes to time management, Obligers excel at meeting deadlines and fulfilling obligations. You’re highly motivated by external accountability, so clear rewards and consequences help to keep you on track. 

You’re also great at delegating tasks and asking for help when you need it. 

But, sometimes Obligers can struggle with prioritizing their own needs. You’re so focused on making others happy that you forget to take care of yourself. You may be an Obliger if you find yourself excelling at work (“co-workers count on me!”) but falling short on your own personal goals.

The Obliger Time Management Tips:

If you’re an Obliger, these tips are for you:

  • Remember that it’s okay to say no to others in order to make time for the things that make YOU happy.

  • Try creating a reward system for completing your own personal goals (who doesn’t like a sticker chart or a gold star?).

  • Obligers need someone to hold them accountable, so seek out someone to act as a partner or buddy for check-ins around your top priority goals.

  • Over-communicate progress and ask for help to keep yourself motivated.

The Questioner

The Questioner is ever curious. 

You have an analytical mind and need to know the “why” behind everything. 

You’re not one to blindly accept what everyone else is doing just because it’s “the norm”. Instead, you question authority and make sure that your time is spent on tasks that align with YOUR values and goals that align with that very clear why.

When it comes to time management, Questioners are great at prioritizing their responsibilities based on their own personal objectives. You’re not going to waste time on something that doesn’t have a clear purpose or won’t benefit you in the long run. You’re strategic and weigh the pros and cons of each activity before committing to it. 

But, sometimes the constant questioning of Questioners can lead to indecisiveness. You can spend too long analyzing each decision, getting stuck in analysis paralysis, and killing your ability to be productive. 

The Questioner Time Management Tips:

If you’re a Questioner, these tips are for you:

  • Remember it’s sometimes better to take action now and adjust course later.

  • Set deadlines and timelines to help avoid getting bogged down in the details. Focus on done!

  • As a Questioner, it's challenging to make decisions. So prioritize making decisions ahead of time, trust those decisions, and take action.

  • Use your inquisitive mind to research and identify time management systems and hacks you may want to try out!

The Rebel

The Rebel is a free spirit. 

You march to the beat of your own drum and aren’t interested in conforming to societal expectations.

You’re spontaneous and like to live in the moment, believing that the future will take care of itself. You’re the one who is always up for an adventure and never wants to feel tied down by “shoulds” and “musts.”

Time blocking and to-do lists? Probably not your thing. 

(In case you didn’t already guess, this is the personality type I relate to the least. Where are the rules?! The structure?! I’m getting sweaty…is it hot in here?)

When it comes to time management, Rebels can struggle. You don’t like to be told what to do, even by yourself. Schedules and routines feel suffocating and you’d rather fly by the seat of your pants than follow a plan. 

But don’t worry, Rebels, there is hope for your time management endeavors. 

The Rebel Time Management Tips:

If you’re a Rebel, these tips are for you:

  • Remember, it’s okay to have a little structure in your life, it can actually lead to more spontaneity in the long run.

  • Use your spontaneity to your advantage and find ways to make your responsibilities feel less like duties. For example, make it fun by approaching your tasks with a sense of play and creativity.

  • Rebel personalities need flexibility to avoid feeling restricted, so don’t try to tie yourself down to a strict schedule all the time. Allow some space for your latest whims. 

  • Or…Throw away your attempt at a to-do list, work on projects at the very last minute, and avoid committing to any schedule, ever. Keep doing you. (Just, maybe don’t tell me about it…I might have an anxiety attack.)

Whether you’re an Upholder, Obliger, Questioner, or Rebel, there are ways to make the most of your time management practices to help you accomplish whatever you set your mind to.

Lean into your inherent skills and what makes you tick and find solutions to where you may be challenged. 

Then, go forth and conquer.  With a little more knowledge about yourself, you’ll have the power to manage your time like a pro and create the life of your dreams!

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed? Do you feel like there are always important tasks left undone, hanging over your head? It's time to take control of your productivity and prove to yourself you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. 

Check out the 7 Days: Consider it Done! guide to transform the way you approach your to-do list. 

Say goodbye to procrastination and unfulfilled goals and hello to a sense of control and reignited passion for life. Consider it done!


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