How to Use Gratitude to Achieve Balance

Thanksgiving is a perfect reminder to reflect on the things we're grateful for. 

But gratitude isn't just a warm and fuzzy feeling, or a quick dinner conversation before diving head first into some turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce (just me…?)

Gratitude is a powerful tool that can truly transform your life.

Many of us feel in a constant race against time, juggling multiple responsibilities, and often feeling like our professional lives are overtaking everything else.

By embracing gratitude, you can get in alignment with your goals and priorities so you can strike that balance between your career and personal life. A balance that is key to reducing overall stress and anxiety.

Gratitude should be a daily practice, not just a yearly event. 

So as you sit down to your Thanksgiving meals, and embrace the theme of the season, read on to learn the benefits of gratitude and how you can turn this day of gratitude into a daily practice.

Reducing Stress

One of the key benefits of practicing gratitude is its ability to reduce stress. 

Stress can significantly hinder your time management. Stress causes procrastination and burnout which leads to inefficiency. You stress about not getting enough done which causes you to not get as much done, which leads to more stress. 

When you take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the things you have accomplished, you can reframe your perspective. 

This reframe will reduce your stress and make it easier to make time for the things that you want to spend your time on. The things that will allow you to create a balanced and peaceful life.

Daily Gratitude

Before you open your email or jump on your first conference call, start your day by listing three things you're grateful for. 

These could be things like crushing a client presentation yesterday, the sweet snuggles you got from your dog this morning, or even the cup of coffee you're currently enjoying. 

By focusing on the positive aspects of your life, you'll set a positive tone for your day, making it easier to tackle your to-do list with a clear mind, less burdened by stress.

Check out my Gratitude Worksheet to help prompt your list each day.

Prioritizing What Truly Matters

Gratitude helps you identify and prioritize what truly matters, both personally and professionally.

High achievers often find themselves caught up in the never-ending pursuit of success. While goals give us purpose, it can often feel like these pursuits come at the cost of other things you care about such as leisure activities or time with loved ones. 

When you practice gratitude, you become more attuned to what brings you joy and fulfillment. And yes, it is 100% okay if this comes from your career. You don’t have to feel guilty if that’s ‘the thing’ as long as you’re aligned and happy with how it all balances out.


Take a moment to consider the people, goals, and activities that bring you the most joy and fulfillment. These are your priorities.

By recognizing these sources of joy, you can allocate more time and energy to them, aligning your daily schedule with your values and priorities and removing the things that rank lower on the list. Acknowledging these important pieces of your life can help you build the roadmap to what an ideal schedule might look like.

Use your Gratitude Worksheet to think about the things that brought you joy and fulfillment each day and brainstorm how you can incorporate them more into your schedule. 

Enhancing Productivity

Gratitude can significantly boost your productivity.

By regularly acknowledging and appreciating the support you have, the resources at your disposal, and the amazing skills you bring to the world, you develop a positive and determined attitude. 

This mindset shift can help you find motivation and stop stressing the small stuff (i.e. will this really matter in 10 years?) 

This practice can also help keep you in your zone of genius to enable you to be more efficient and effective with whatever you spend your time on. This can ultimately make it feel like you have more time to give in all areas of your life.


Think about the colleagues and family who support your projects, the mentors who guide your career, or even the technology or conveniences that streamline your daily life.

Recognizing these factors can enhance your motivation and determination, leading to more valuable and productive work.

Add these sources of support to your Gratitude Worksheet when you evaluate all the ways you are supported each day.

Tips for Incorporating More Gratitude

Now that we understand the importance of gratitude, how it can improve your life, and you have a solid list of the things you’re grateful for, it’s time to deep dive into incorporating gratitude into your daily routine.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

Maintain a gratitude journal where you reminisce about experiences you're grateful for each day. A small achievement at work. A moment of laughter with friends. A beautiful sunset. Documenting these moments can help you stay focused on the positive aspects of your life.

Set Daily Gratitude Reminders

Set reminders on your phone or put a sticky note on your bathroom mirror to pause and think about what you're grateful for throughout the day. These short moments of reflection can help shift your mindset during moments of stress.

Express Your Gratitude

Let people know you feel grateful for them, both at work and in your personal life. A simple text or a heartfelt conversation can go a long way in strengthening your relationships and building a positive, supportive network.

Practice Mindfulness

Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine to help you stay present and appreciate the small moments in life. Mindfulness can reduce stress and increase your awareness, making it easier to manage your time and tasks effectively. Make this a routine by finding recurring activities that prompt you to practice being mindful (such as taking a moment to be mindful when brushing your teeth).

Reflect on Your Achievements

Regularly review your accomplishments, both big and small. Reflect on how far you've come and the obstacles you've overcome. Recognizing your achievements can boost your confidence and motivation to continue to do even bigger things.

It can be easy to get caught up in the demands of your professional life, neglecting those around you and even yourself. Integrating gratitude into your daily routine can be the key to achieve a work-life balance you’re happy with.

This Thanksgiving season, let's not limit our gratitude to a single day. 

Instead, take this as a jumping-off point to begin a daily practice of gratitude. A practice that will empower you to continue to drive towards success, without sacrificing the other important areas of your life.  


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